Best Blogging Tools for Beginners in 2023

Best Blogging Tools for Beginners in 2021

Are you looking for some useful blogging tools to improve your blogging experience and boost earning?

Don’t worry about this, just be with me till the end I will suggest you some blogging tools. You can use these blogging tools to improve your blog quality and boost earning.

Also Read: How To Start A Blog in 2021 From Scratch

To be successful in the blogging field and earn more you need to do many things like Keyword research, analyze competitor, write quality content, scaling your readership and more, to these tasks you need some useful blogging tools.

You need many blogging tools for keyword research, analyze competitor, writing quality content, increase social media influence, writing stronger headlines, email marketing, boosting your revenue, Link building and more.

Read this blog post carefully I will guide you which are the best blogging tools for keyword research, check backlink, building page and which are the best themes, plugins and page builder.

Which Blogging Tools do we need

We need some minimum blogging tools to check keyword competition, keyword difficulty, competitor backlinks, page builder, themes, plugins and best quality hosting.

Best Keyword research tool

Keep it in mind that you can’t rank in SERP without keyword research. There are a bunch of keyword research tools in the market, some are free to use while some are paid.

Paid keyword research tools are more effective than free tools. If you are a beginner and don’t have sufficient budget to purchase a premium keyword research tools like Semrush then you use some free tools like Ubersuggest and WMS Everywhere for keyword research or you can buy Ahref at low price from group-buy.

Some keyword research tool:

  • Ahref
  • Semrush
  • Ubersuggest
  • WMS Everywhere

Best Blogging Tools to analyze competitor

Analyze backlinks, Alexa rank etc of your competitor and try to improve the quality of your blog contents than your competitors. You can use Ahref, Ubersuggest, Smallseotools, etc to check backlink.

Choose the best theme

There are many beautiful themes with readymade template you can use in your WordPress blog. You can use premium version of themes to get some extra features. Free version is also enough to make a beautiful blog.

Some free WordPress themes you can use

  • Generatepress
  • OceanWP
  • Astra

Page builder

To give a better look to your blog you need to use some page builder like Elementor and thrive architect. Using page builder you can create more beautiful and attractive pages, actually it depends upon which type of website you want to create. Elementor is the most popular page builder, you can use their premium version for more features. Thrive architect, is also a very popular page builder but they don’t offer it for free.

Some popular page builder:

  • Elementor
  • Thrivearchitect

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