How To Remove date from Blogger post URL Easily in 2022

Hey guys do you wanna know how to remove date from Blogger post URL easily in 2022. I know sometimes you think to remove date & .html from blogger post URL. Then you are on right page. Here, in this article I will share a step by step guide on how to remove date from blogger post URL. But before you remove date from Blogger post URLs you should know what are the pros and cons of it.

Below you can see two screenshots of Blogger post URL. One URL contains month, year and .html extension which second one is simple.

Generally, Blogger blog post URL looks like this, you can see the image below.


But if you remove date from Blogger post URL, then your website URL will look like below-given URL which is shorten in length and looks evergreen.

Blogger post URL without date

So, if you remove date from Blogger post URL it will be simple, short in length.

Google’s Blogger CMS by default add month & year in its post URL and also add .html at the end of the URL which looks ugly to some users, and URLs becomes long unnecessarily. Some users also consider our content as outdated content as they can see published month & year is added on URL. You should also know that length of a SEO friendly URL should be 75 characters or less.

In this blog post I will share a step by step guide to remove date & .html from Blogger post URLs. When you write some evergreen quality content and publish on Blogger blog and after some years a user visit your page, find date on URL, then the user may consider your content as outdated as published month & year is added on URL. Reader may consider it as old content and leave this page without reading. But search engines like Google don’t judge content on their published date. Google give priority to quality content, not to fresh content. So it’s not necessary to remove date from blogger post URLs to rank on top pages on Google.

Also Read: How To Add Table of Content (TOC) in Blogger very Easily

I think you have seen date, month & year is added on many news website’s URLs and they are ranking on top pages of Google SERP. It’s because news website has high domain authority and Google trusts them. And most importantly Google believes news website provides genuine, original and quality content. These news website’s content are ranking on Google SERP for years.

Why date is Added in Blogger Post URL?

Blogger is an American online content management system that enables multi-users to blog with time-stamped entries. Blogger CMS was created by Eva William and Meg Hourihan in 1999 to allow users to share daily blog posts. Later in 2003 Google acquired Blogger and added many useful features.

The idea behind creating Blogger was to enable users to create a free blog and share content for free. On that era, it was not easy for people to build a website, but they can create a blog on blogger for absolutely free. A Blogger blog is like a personal website where you can publish posts and people can read, share and comment. Many users around the globe created their blog on Blogger CMS and started sharing content regularly. You can also earn money by serving advertisements on your blog.

To make it easy for readers Blogger organise content by published date. So month and year is automatically added on blogger blog post URL. And .html extension is also added and the end of the blogger URLs by default and there is no special reason behind it.

Also Read: How To Remove date from WordPress URLs

Sometimes people search for old content (e.g- old software version) on the internet and if they see a post published previously then they will surely enter into that page and read that content. So, sometimes having a date on the URL is useful to attract visitors and improve CTR.

If you remove date from blogger post URL in 2022 you may get some benefits from a user point of view. But there is no advantage or disadvantage to having a date on your blogger post URLs.

Advantages of Removing date from Blogger Post URL

Let’s discuss what are the advantages you will get if you remove date from blogger post URL in 2022. If you remove month, year and .html extension from blogger post URLs you will get the following benefits.

  • SEO friendly URLs
  • Shorten URL
  • Looks evergreen

If you remove date from blogger post URL and hide published date, then users wouldn’t see date on your blog web address and they will not consider it as old content, even though they visit after a long time.

When date is added on Blogger post URLs, visitors may consider it as outdated content as they can see published month and year on web address and may leave the page which results to loss of traffic on your website. But according to Google’s John Muller, there is no problem if evergreen content has date on its URL.

If you remove date from Blogger post URL then you should know that it has no benefits from a search engine perspective but you may get advantages from users. So consider not to keep date and html extension on blogger post URLs. If you remove .html from blogger URLs your URLs will be shorter which is beneficial for SEO.

Disadvantages of Removing date from Blogger Post URL

Well if you remove date & .html from blogger post URL you may get many benefits as I have discussed above but after you remove date and .html from blogger URLs you will get 404 (page not found) errors because you have changed the permalink structure of your blogger blog. These 404 errors will impact user experience very bad and result in loss of website traffic, so you have to fix these errors as soon as possible.

Don’t worry here I will also guide you step by step to fix 404 errors on your blogger blog.

Blogger doesn’t allow us to remove date and .hrml officially, so we have to use some third party code to remove date and html extension from blogger post URL which may not work on some blogger templates. You have to use this code properly unless it may create problems for Google crawler, which will impact your SERP rankings.

Consider Before Changing Blogger Post Permalink

As earlier, we have already discussed that if you remove date from blogger post URL it will create 404 errors.

For example, if you remove date & html extension and a user try to visit an old URL(with date & .html) then the user will get a 404 error which will impact your SERP ranking severely.

There is no direct option to remove date from blogger post URL so you have to use some third party code which may create problems for Googlebot on crawling your blog.

And most importantly there is no benefit of removing date from Blogger URLs on search engine perspective. So in my opinion you should not remove date and .html from Blogger post URL. It totally depends upon you, if you want you can remove it. I am sharing all steps below to emove month & year from blogger post URL.

5 Easy Steps To Remove date from Blogger Post URL

Now finally I am going to share step by step guide to remove date and .html from blogger post URLs. To make it easy for you I have added screenshots, just follow all steps carefully and you will be able to remove month, year & html extension from Blogger URLs very easily. If you face any problem to remove date from Blogger post URL you can watch this video on YouTube.

5 Simple Steps to remove date from blogger post URL in 2022 Easily.

Let’s begin

STEP 1: Log in to your Blogger dashboard and click on the Theme section (as seen on the image)

Remove date from Blogger post URL

STEP 2: Click on the Menu available just after customizing tab (check image)

Remove date from blogger post URL

STEP3: Click on Edit HTML

Remove date from blogger post URL step 3

STEP 4: Find <head> tag in your Blogger template (To search click Ctrl+F)

Remove date from blogger post URL step 5

STEP 5: Copy the below-given code and paste below <head> tag

<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[// BloggerJS v0.3.1// Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Kenny Cruz// Licensed under the MIT Licensevar urlTotal,nextPageToken,postsDatePrefix=!1,accessOnly=!1,useApiV3=!1,apiKey="",blogId="",postsOrPages=["pages","posts"],jsonIndex=1,secondRequest=!0,feedPriority=0,amp="&"[0];function urlVal(){var e=window.location.pathname,t=e.length;return".html"===e.substring(t-5)?0:t>1?1:2}function urlMod(){var e=window.location.pathname;"p"===e.substring(1,2)?(e=(e=e.substring(e.indexOf("/",1)+1)).substr(0,e.indexOf(".html")),history.replaceState(null,null,"../"+e)):(e=(e=postsDatePrefix?e.substring(1):e.substring(e.indexOf("/",7)+1)).substr(0,e.indexOf(".html")),history.replaceState(null,null,"../../"+e))}function urlSearch(e,t){var n=e+".html";t.forEach(function(e){-1!})}function urlManager(){var e=urlVal();0===e?accessOnly||urlMod():1===e?getJSON(postsOrPages[feedPriority],1):2===e&&(accessOnly||history.replaceState(null,null,"/"))}function getJSON(e,t){var n=document.createElement("script");if(useApiV3){var o=""+blogId+"/"+e+"?key="+apiKey+"#maxResults=500#fields=nextPageToken%2Citems(url)#callback=bloggerJSON";nextPageToken&&(o+="#pageToken="+nextPageToken),nextPageToken=void 0}else o=window.location.protocol+"//"+window.location.hostname+"/feeds/"+e+"/default?start-index="+t+"#max-results=150#orderby=published#alt=json-in-script#callback=bloggerJSON";o=o.replace(/#/g,amp),n.type="text/javascript",n.src=o,document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(n)}function bloggerJSON(e){var t=[];if(useApiV3||void 0===urlTotal&&(urlTotal=parseInt(e.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t)),useApiV3){try{e.items.forEach(function(e,n){t.push(e.url)})}catch(e){}nextPageToken=e.nextPageToken}else try{e.feed.entry.forEach(function(n,o){var r=e.feed.entry[o];,n){"alternate"[n].rel&&t.push([n].href)})})}catch(e){}urlSearch(window.location.pathname,t),urlTotal>150?(jsonIndex+=150,urlTotal-=150,getJSON(postsOrPages[feedPriority],jsonIndex)):nextPageToken?getJSON(postsOrPages[feedPriority]):secondRequest&&(nextPageToken=void 0,urlTotal=void 0,jsonIndex=1,secondRequest=!1,0===feedPriority?(feedPriority=1,getJSON("posts",1)):1===feedPriority&&(feedPriority=0,getJSON("pages",1)))}function bloggerJS(e){e&&(feedPriority=e),urlManager()}bloggerJS();//]]></script>

After pasting this code below <head> tag click on save theme.

How to remove date from blogger post url

Yahoooo! Now you are done, You have successfully removed date and .html extension from Blogger post URLs, if you face any problem then you can take help from our Facebook group & Telegram group.

Fix 404 Errors To maintain SERP ranking

How To Fix 404 Errors in Blogger

After you remove date from blogger post URL. The permalink structure of your blogger blog will be changed and URLs of your already published post will be changed too. And if a user tries to visit a page with an old URL then they will get 404 errors which will create a bad user experience and a negative impact on your SERP ranking.

So how to fix the 404 error in Blogger?

Well, it’s very easy to fix a 404 error in a Blogger blog. Don’t worry, here I will guide you step by step to fix 404 errors on your blogger blog. You have to just redirect old URLs to new URLs. You have to redirect all old URLs to new URLs manually.

To add a redirection in Blogger kindly follow these simple steps given below. I have shared 3 simple steps on how you can add a redirection in blogger very easily and fix 404 errors.


STEP 1: Log into your BLogger dashboard and click on Setting tab available on the left side and then click on Custom redirects.

How to add redirection in Blogger

STEP 2: Inside custom redirects, Click on Add

Add redirection in Blogger step 2

STEP 3: Add old URL, new URL on the appropriate tab. Click on permanent if you want to redirect this permanently.

Add redirection in Blogger step 3

Done, you can properly add a redirection in blogger on this way. You have redirect all old URLs to new URLs manually to fix 404 errors on your blogger blog.

After redirecting old URLs to new if a user visits a page with an old URL then it will be automatically redirected to a new URL and the user will land on the appropriate page.

If you fix 404 errors properly after removing date from blogger URL then it will not impact your SERP ranking negatively.

Should You Remove date from Blogger post Permalink

Well, it totally depends upon you, why you want to remove date from blogger post URL, how many posts you have published on your Blogger blog and what is required. You have to decide whether it is necessary for you to remove date from blogger post URL or not. Because after removing date you have to fix all 404 errors by adding redirection manually. You can visit The Hemp Doctor website for useful health tips.

If you have a well-established blog on Blogger, published many posts and Google has indexed, Then it is not a good idea to remove date & .html from Blogger post URLs. Because it will create huge 404 errors and will impact your SERP ranking if you don’t fix them properly & quickly.

And if you have a new blog, just created a blog on Blogger and have not published many posts then you can remove date from Blogger post URL. After changing the permalink structure of your blog your URLs will look evergreen. And users can’t know when the post was actually published first.


In this blog post I have shared a step by step guide on how to remove date from Blogger post URL in 2022. I hope it was helpful for you to remove date from blogger URLs, Before removing date from Blogger post you should be aware about website traffic loss, 404 errors.

Kindly share this article with others on your social media. If you are interested to learn more about Blogging, Affiliate marketing and online money-making tips then you can subscribe to our YouTube channel. If you need any help regarding Blogging, SEO, Ranking etc you can join our Facebook group & Telegram group, where many other users will help you for FREE.

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